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contoh kalimat the ellen degeneres show

"the ellen degeneres show" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • The two had previously performed on The Ellen DeGeneres Show of 25 April 2011.
    Keduanya sebelumnya pernah tampil pada The Ellen DeGeneres Show 25 April 2011.
  • Lovato performed the track on The Ellen DeGeneres Show on January 15, 2018.
    Lovato membawakan lagu di The Ellen DeGeneres Show pada tanggal 15 Januari 2018.
  • To promote the song, Lovato has performed the song numerous times including on The Ellen DeGeneres Show.
    Lovato telah melakukan beberapa kali lagu, termasuk di tampilkan di The Ellen DeGeneres.
  • Horan has performed "Slow Hands" on The Ellen DeGeneres Show and The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon.
    Niall Horan menampilkan lagu Slow Hands dalam acara The Ellen DeGeneres Show dan The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon.
  • Lovato performed the song live on several shows, including The Ellen DeGeneres Show, Good Morning America and Jimmy Kimmel Live!.
    Demi telah menyanyikan Heart Attack di beberapa acara, termasuk The Ellen DeGeneres Show, Good Morning America dan Jimmy Kimmel Live!.
  • The following week, on September 4, Minaj appeared as a guest and performed several songs on The Ellen Degeneres Show.
    Di minggu berikutnya, pada tanggal 4 September, Minaj tampil sebagai bintang tamu dan membawakan beberapa lagunya di The Ellen Degeneres Show.
  • Lovato has performed the song on several occasions, including the 2008 Disney Channel Games, Good Morning America and The Ellen DeGeneres Show.
    Lovato telah menyanyikan lagu dalam beberapa show, termasuk pembukaan tahun 2008 Disney Channel Games dan The Ellen DeGeneres Show.
  • That morning, Ryan Seacrest posted another link on Twitter, this time to the video of Chance appearing on The Ellen DeGeneres Show.
    Pagi itu, Ryan Seacrest menerbitkan tautan yang lain di Twitter, kali ini video Chance tentang pertunjukannya di The Ellen DeGeneres Show.
  • On January 25, 2012, Puth and Luther performed the song and Lady Antebellum's "Need You Now" on The Ellen DeGeneres Show.
    Pada tanggal 25 Januari 2012, Puth dan Luther membawakan lagu tersebut dan lagu Lady Antebellum "Need You Now" di The Ellen DeGeneres Show.
  • On September 19, 2013, Zendaya made her first national performance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, in which she sang the album's lead single.
    Pada 19 September 19 2013, Zendaya membuat pertunjukan nasional pertamanya pada The Ellen DeGeneres Show, di mana dia menyanyikan singel utama album.
  • On May 13, Chance's appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show was broadcast, and mainstream media, including CBS and People, reported on the appearance.
    Pada 13 May 2010, Pertunjukan Chance pada The Ellen DeGeneres Show disiarkan, dan juga pada media tendensi, termasuk CBS dan People, dilaporkan pada pertunjukan tersebut.
  • Subsequently, the kid got worldwide media attention when he was invited by Ellen Degeneres and Kicha becomes the youngest Indian to be in featured in The Ellen DeGeneres Show.
    Setelah melihat penampilannya di Star King melalui YouTube, Ellen Degeneres mengundang Charice sebagai tamu di The Ellen Degeneres Show.
  • She also performed the song on American television talk show The Ellen DeGeneres Show on May 27, 2011 and on NBC's The Tonight Show with Jay Leno.
    Ia juga menampilkan lagunya di acara televisi Amerika The Ellen DeGeneres Show pada 27 Mei 2011 dan The Tonight Show with Jay Leno di NBC.
  • The following week, Bieber appeared on The Ellen DeGeneres Show to announce that the first single would be called "Boyfriend" and would be released on March 26, 2012.
    Minggu berikutnya, Bieber muncul di The Ellen DeGeneres Show untuk mengumumkan bahwa single pertamanya akan berjudul "Boyfriend" dan akan dirilis pada tanggal 26 Maret 2012.
  • On May 20, 2016, Sia performed a cover of Nat King Cole's "Unforgettable" on The Ellen DeGeneres Show following an announcement that it would be featured in the film.
    Pada 20 Mei 2016, Sia melakukan cover lagu Nat King Cole "Unforgettable" di The Ellen DeGeneres Show tak lama setelah itu mengumumkan akan ditampilkan dalam film.
  • And I appeared on "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" one weekday morning to talk about the initiative, and on that day, 150,000 visits were placed to our website.
    Dan saya diundang untuk muncul dalam acara "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" pada satu pagi hari kerja untuk bicara tentang prakarsa ini, dan pada hari itu, situs internet kami mendapatkan 150.000 kunjungan.
  • The duo has appeared on National TV shows like The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, The Ellen DeGeneres Show (twice in 6 months) and Stefan Raab’s TV total in Germany.
    Duet ini telah muncul di TV Nasional menunjukkan seperti The Tonight Show dengan Jay Leno, The Ellen DeGeneres Show (dua kali dalam 6 bulan) dan acara TV Stefan Raab di Jerman.
  • As part of promotion for the song, Jepsen performed the track on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, where she made her US television debut, and at the 2012 Billboard Music Awards.
    Sebagai bagian dari promosi lagu ini, Jepsen menyanyikan lagu ini secara langsung beberapa kali, termasuk di The Ellen DeGeneres Show, tempat ia pertama kali muncul di televisi AS, dan di 2012 Billboard Music Awards.
  • Adele performed the song on several award and television shows including the 2011 Brit Awards, 2011 MTV Video Music Awards, Jimmy Kimmel Live!, The Ellen DeGeneres Show, and the song was played on the ABC hit show Grey's Anatomy.
    Adele menyanyikan lagu ini di sejumlah acara penghargaan dan televisi, termasuk 2011 BRIT Awards, 2011 MTV Video Music Awards, Jimmy Kimmel Live! dan The Ellen DeGeneres Show.
  • TCL has been the Official Smart Television Partner of the Ellen DeGeneres Show for consecutive five seasons. This continued partnership has helped to bring TCL into the homes of many, with multiple on-air audience giveaways and digital promotions through Ellen’s social media and website.
    TCL telah menjadi Mitra Resmi TV Smart dari acara TV The Ellen Show DeGeneres selama lima musim berturut-turut. Kemitraan berkelanjutan ini telah membawa TCL ke banyak rumah dengan banyak pemirsa yang mengudara dan promosi digital melalui media sosial dan situs web Ellen.
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